On-Line Training Modules



6. Education is positively related to the health and socioeconomic status of the elder. Twenty-five point three percent (25.3%) of persons age 65 and older in the US have some college education. This percentage is higher among some ethnic minorities. Which of the following groups have higher than the average educational levels of all persons age 65 and over:

a) Asian Indian and Filipino

b) Chinese and Japanese

c) Japanese and Korean

d) Chinese and Thai

(Source: Demographics and Health Risks of Ethnic Minority Elders, a publication of the Stanford Geriatric Education Center, pages 32-33)

If you selected a) Asian Indian and Filipino

.....Correct! Among Asian Indians in the US, 30.4 percent have some college education. Among Filipinos in the US, the figure is 28.6 percent. Southeast Asian elders in the US have the lowest percentage of elders with some college education with Vietnamese at 13 percent, Cambodian at 6.3 percent, Laotian at 5 percent, and Hmong at 2.9 percent.
.....Cambodians (80%), Laotians (77%), Hmongs (92%), and Hispanics (57%) have the highest percentages of persons 65 years and older with less than a 9th grade education.

Proceed to Question 7.

If you selected b) Chinese and Japanese

.....Among Chinese in the US, 26.3 percent have some college education, slightly above the national average for persons 65 years and older. For Japanese in the US, the percentage is slightly lower than the national average at 23.3 percent.

Return to Question 6 and consider another option.

If you selected c) Japanese and Korean 

.....Japanese persons in the US have a slighter lower than average percent of the population who have attended some college, at 23.3 percent. For Koreans, 20 percent of persons 65 years and older have some college education.

Return to Question 6 and consider another option.

If you selected d) Chinese and Thai


.....Chinese in the US have a slightly higher than average percentage of seniors who have attended some college, at 26.3 percent. Two ethnic groups have higher percentages than Chinese Americans. For Thai elders, 20.7 percent have some college education.

Return to Question 6 and consider another option.