
Mental Health Aspects of Diabetes in Elders from Diverse Ethnic Backgrounds

This curriculum was developed as a resource for teaching culturally appropriate care for depression and cognitive loss for elders at high risk for diabetes. Written by members of the Affiliated Core Faculty of Stanford Geriatric Education Center, Stanford University School of Medicine, supported by a grant from the Bureau of Health Professions for a Supplement to the Stanford Geriatric Education Center in 2004, the 100-page, 10 module curriculum includes objectives and comprehensive, evidence-based content for multidisciplinary health, mental health, and social service professionals. Content includes:

  • Overview of depression and cognitive loss/dementia in elders with diabetes
  • Risk, culturally appropriate assessment and interventions for diabetes, depression, and cognitive loss or dementia in the following older populations: African Americans, American Indians, Chinese Americans, Filipino Americans, Hmong Americans, Japanese Americans, and Mexican Americans
  • Cross cultural issues related to sensory impairment due to diabetes in emergencies such as bioterrorism
  • References

Authors are: Caroline Fee, MA, Dolores Gallagher-Thompson, PhD, Esperanza Garcia-Walters, MPH, Rita Hargrave, MD, Levanne Hendrix, GNP, PhD, Nancy Hikoyeda, DrPH,  Jill LeCount, RN, MS, CNS, Irene Lewis, DNc, Melen McBride, RN, PhD,  Kellie Takagi, PhD, Sharon Waller, PhD, MDiv, and  Gwen Yeo, PhD (Ed.)

Download the entire text of the curriculum as a pdf file.

Download the Slides:

Topics Download Slides
Overview of depression and cognitive loss/dementia in elders with diabetes Powerpoint slides
PDF Slides
Risk, culturally appropriate assessment and interventions for diabetes, depression, and cognitive loss or dementia in the following older populations:
  • African American
Powerpoint slides
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  • American Indian
Powerpoint slides
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  • Chinese American
Powerpoint slides
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  • Filipino American
Powerpoint slides
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  • Hmong American
Powerpoint slides
PDF Slides
  • Japanese American
Powerpoint slides
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  • Mexican American
Powerpoint slides
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Cross cultural issues related to sensory impairment due to diabetes in emergencies such as bioterrorism  

Diabetes Webinar

A webinar on Diabetes was presented in the 2011 SGEC Webinar Series Health Care of Diverse Elders and their Families in Primary Care by Nancy Morioka-Douglas,MD, MPH, and Sonia Alvarez, MP. Access a recording and handouts from the webinar.