Featured Books

Core SGEC Publications

Handbook of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies with Older Adults
by Dolores Gallagher Thompson (Editor), Ann Steffen (Editor), Larry W. Thompson (Editor)
The purpose of this book is to disseminate "best practice" models of treatment for the common mental health problems of late life, so that evidence-based practice will become the norm (rather than the exception) when working clinically with older adults. Each chapter contains reviews of the empirical literature focusing on studies conducted with elders; then they emphasize how CBT can be applied most effectively to that specific patient population. Case studies illuminate practice recommendations, and issues of diversity are likewise highlighted whenever possible.
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Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Older People
by Ken Laidlaw (Author), Larry W. Thompson (Author), Dolores Gallagher-Thompson (Author), Leah Dick-Siskin
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is now well established as an effective treatment for a range of mental health problems, but for clinicians working with older clients, there are particular issues that need to be addressed. Topics covered include the need to build a therapeutic relationship, dealing with stereotypical thinking about ageing, setting realistic expectations in the face of deteriorating medical conditions, maintaining hope when faced with difficult life events such as the loss of a spouse, disability, etc., and dealing with the therapist's own fears about ageing. Illustrated throughout with case studies, practical solutions and with a troubleshooting section, this is essential reading for all clinical psychologists, psychiatrists and related health professionals who work with older people. Authors are world authorities on depression and psychotherapy with older people First book to be published on CBT with older people Case studies and examples used throughout to illustrate the method and the problems of older people.
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Treating Late Life Depression: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach, Therapist Guide
by Gallagher-Thompson, Dolores, Thompson, Larry W.
Depression is a common problem for individuals in their senior years. Conservative estimates suggest that more than five million seniors over 65 are suffering from severe depression. How can you help your older clients manage depressed mood? This Therapist Guide outlines a three-phase program based on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Designed specifically for use with older adults, this treatment generally is delivered over the course of 16 - 20 sessions. In Phase 1 of the intervention, clients are introduced to the program and are encouraged to develop goals for therapy. The focus of Phase 2 is on helping the client acquire the cognitive and behavioral skills needed to meet the therapy goals. It is during this phase that clients learn the benefits of participating in pleasant activities, how to challenge negative thinking, how to manage feelings of anger and frustration through relaxation, and how to improve communication skills. Phase 3 deals with termination and how to maintain the gains obtained in therapy. Step-by-step instructions for administering therapy are provided in a user-friendly format, along with information on screening and assessment. A separate chapter on age-related issues that may affect treatment guides you through potentially difficult clinical situations. Complete with sample dialogues, at-home assignments, and lists of materials needed, this comprehensive guide includes all the tools necessary for facilitating effective treatment. 
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Treating Late-life Depression: A Cognitive-behavioral Approach. Workbook
by Gallagher-Thompson, Dolores, Thompson, Larry W.
If you suffer from depression, a program based on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can help. CBT can help you change what you think and what you do. The program described in this workbook teaches you how to change your thinking in order to improve your mood. Divided into three phases, the program outlined is designed specifically with older adults in mind. Most effective when used in conjunction with visits to a qualified mental health professional, this workbook helps you put into practice the new skills you will be learning in therapy. Skills designed to help you problem solve, improve communication, challenge negative thinking, and manage feelings of frustration and anger. Over the course of the program, which can take anywhere from 16 - 20 sessions, you will work together with your therapist to manage your depressed mood. In-session exercises, at-home assignment, and review questions help you consolidate what you've learned and keep you motivated to succeed. Worksheets and forms are provided throughout to assist you in monitoring your progress. Depression can be difficult to overcome, but with hard work and dedication you can acquire the tools necessary for improving your mood as well as your quality of life. TreatmentsThatWorkTM represents the gold standard of behavioral healthcare interventions! · All programs have been rigorously tested in clinical trials and are backed by years of research · A prestigious scientific advisory board, led by series Editor-In-Chief David H. Barlow, reviews and evaluates each intervention to ensure that it meets the highest standard of evidence so you can be confident that you are using the most effective treatment available to date · Our books are reliable and effective and make it easy for you to provide your clients with the best care available · Our corresponding workbooks contain psychoeducational information, forms and worksheets, and homework assignments to keep clients engaged and motivated · A companion website (www.oup.com/us/ttw) offers downloadable clinical tools and helpful resources · Continuing Education (CE) Credits are now available on select titles in collaboration with PsychoEducational Resources,
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Ethnicity and the Dementias
by Gwen Yeo and Dolores Gallagher
In recent years, the literature on the topic of ethnic and racial issues in Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias has increased dramatically. At the same time, the need for cultural competence in all of geriatric care, including dementia care, is increasingly being acknowledged. Researchers and providers are beginning to recognize the impending "ethnogeriatric imperative," as the number of elders from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds continues to rise.

Ethnicity and the Dementias offers invaluable background information in this area, while also examining how those suffering from dementia and their family members respond or adapt to the challenges that follow. Thoroughly updated and revised from the first edition, the book features contributions from leading clinicians and researchers on the epidemiology of dementias by ethnic population, new information on the assessment of diverse populations, and updates and inclusions of new populations in the management of dementia and working with families. The book is ideal for practitioners, researchers, and policy makers in search of the most current ethnogeriatric findings.
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Ethnogeriatric Dementia and Caregiving Publications by SGEC Scholars and Affiliates

Au, A., Li, S., Lee, K., Leung, P., Cheung, G., & Pan, P-C., et al. (2010). The Coping with Caregiving Group Program for Chinese caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s disease in Hong Kong. Patient Education and Counseling, 78(2), 256-260.

*Coon, D.W., Rubert, M., Solano, N., Mausbach, B., Kraemer, H., Arguelles, T., Haley, W.E., Thompson, L.W., & Gallagher-Thompson, D.  (2004).  Well-being, appraisal, and coping in Latina and Caucasian female dementia caregivers: Findings from the REACH study.  Aging and Mental Health, 8(4), 330-345.

Depp, C., Krisztal, E., Cardenas, V., Oportot, M., Mausbach, B., & Ambler, C., et al. (2003). Treatment options for improving well-being in dementia family caregivers:  The case for psychoeducational interventions.  The Clinical Psychologist, 7(1), 21-31.

*Gallagher-Thompson, D., Coon, D.W., Solano, N., Ambler, C., Rabinowitz, Y., & Thompson, L.W.  (2003).  Change in indices of distress among Latina and Anglo female caregivers of elderly relatives with dementia: Site specific results from the REACH national collaborative study. The Gerontologist, 43(4), 580-591.

 Gallagher-Thompson, D., Gray, H.L., Dupart, T., Jimenez, D., & Thompson, L. W. (2008). Effectiveness of cognitive/ behavioral small group intervention for reduction of depression and stress in Non Hispanic White and Hispanic/Latino women dementia family caregivers: Outcomes and mediators of change.  Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy,  26, 286-303.

Gallagher-Thompson, D., Gray, H., Tang, P., Pu, C-Y., Tse, C., Hsu, S., Leung, L., Wang, P., Kwo, E., Tong, H-Q., Long, J. & Thompson, L.W.  (2007).  Impact of in-home intervention versus telephone support  in reducing depression and stress of Chinese caregivers: Results of a pilot study.  American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 15, 425-434. (First randomized trial of psychological intervention based on REACH study with Chinese American dementia family caregivers)

Gallagher-Thompson, D., Haley, W., Guy, D., Rupert, M., Arguelles, T., & Zeiss, L., et al. (2003).  Tailoring psychological interventions for ethnically diverse caregivers. Clinical Psychology:  Science and Practice, 10, 423-438. (Key paper on individualizing interventions for diverse dementia family caregivers.)

Gallagher-Thompson, D., Robinson Shurgot, G., Rider, K., McKibbin, C., Gray, H. L., & Sephton, S. E. (2006). Ethnicity, stress, and cortisol function in Caucasian and Hispanic women: A preliminary study of family dementia caregivers and non-caregivers. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 14, 334-342. (First study to show that relationships between cortisol and ethnicity varied in dementia family caregivers)

Gallagher-Thompson, D., Wang, P-C., Liu, W., Cheung, V., Peng, R., China, D., & Thompson, L. W.   (2010). Effectiveness of a psychoeducational skill training DVD program to reduce stress in Chinese American dementia caregivers.  Aging and Mental Health, 14(3), 263-273.  (A study with Chinese Americans using a DVD in Mandarin Chinese)

Gerdner, L. A. (2008). Translating research findings into a Hmong American children’s book to promote understanding of persons with Alzheimer’s disease. Hmong Studies Journal, 9, 1-29. Online at http://www.hmongstudies.org/HSJ9OnlinePR.html

Gerdner, L. A., & Beck, C. K. (2006). Impact of Arkansas state regulations on services provided for residents with dementia in special care units. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly, 7(4), 251-257

Gerdner, L. A., & Langford, S., with illustrations by Loughridge, S. (2008).  Grandfather’s Story Cloth / Yawg Daim Paj Ntaub Dab Neeg (Bilingual: English/Hmong). Walnut Creek, CA: Shen’s Books. ISBN# 978-1-885008-34-3 (themes from the life experiences of Hmong American family caregivers provide the story line for this bilingual illustrated children’s book about a grandfather who has Alzheimer’s disease and his grandson.)

Gerdner, L. A.  & Simpson, H. (2009). Access and use of health services in the Arkansas Delta by African American caregivers. Alzheimer’s Care Today, 10(2), 81-92

Gerdner, L. A., Tripp-Reimer, T., & Simpson, H. (2007).  Hard lives, God’s help, and struggling through: Caregiving in the Arkansas Delta. Journal of Cross-Cultural
Gerontology, 22(4), 355-374.  On-line at http://www.springerlink.com/content/335p55p3060457l1/

Gerdner, L. A. , Tripp-Reimer, T., & Yang, D. (2008). Perception and care of elder Hmong Americans with chronic confusion or tem toob. Hallym International Journal of Aging, 10 (2), 111-138.

Gerdner, L. A., Xiong, S. V., & Cha, D. (2006). Chronic confusion and memory impairment in Hmong elders: Honoring differing cultural beliefs in America. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 32(3), 23-31

Gray, H., Jimenez, D., Tong, H-Q., & Gallagher-Thompson, D. (2009).  Ethnic differences in beliefs regarding Alzheimer’s disease among dementia family caregivers.  American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 17, 925-933.

Hinton, L., Franz, C., Yeo, G., & Levkoff, S. Conceptions of Dementia in a Multiethnic Sample of Family Caregivers.  Journal of American Geriatrics Society. 53: 1405-1410. 2005.

Holland, J.M., Thompson, L.W., Cucciare, M.A., Tsuda, A., Okamura, H., Spiegel, D., Rasgon, N.L., & Gallagher-Thompson, D. (2011). Cortisol outcomes among Caucasian and Latina/Hispanic women caring for a family member with dementia: A preliminary examination of psychosocial predictors and effects of a psychoeducational intervention. Stress and Health, DOI: 10.1002/smi.1375.

Holland, J.,  Thompson, L.W., Tzuang, M. & Gallagher-Thompson, D. (2010). Psychosocial factors among Chinese American women dementia caregivers and their association with salivary cortisol: results of an exploratory study.  Ageing International, 35(2), 109-127.

Hong. M., Casado, B.L., & Harrington, D. Validation of Korean versions of the Lubben Social Network Scales in Korean American. p. 319-34.

Jimenez, D. E., Gray, H. L., Cucciare, M., Kumbhani, S. R., & Gallagher-Thompson, D. (2010). Using the revised Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans  (ARSMA-II) with older adults. Hispanic Health Care International, 8, 14-22.

Kim, M. & Foreman, M.D. Korean American adult children’s beliefs about what their parents want at the end of life. p. 305-18.

Kinoshita, L.M., & Gallagher-Thompson, D. (2004). Japanese American caregivers of individuals with dementia: An examination of Japanese cultural values and dementia caregiving. Clinical Gerontologist, 27(1/2), 87-102.

Kuon, Y. & Kim, E.J. Korean Americans in dementia caregiving research: Inclusive strategies to barriers in recruitment. P. 335-352. 

Leung, L., & Gallagher-Thompson, D. (2005).  Stress management with a Chinese female dementia caregiver.  Clinical Gerontologist, 28 (3), 87-89.

Lee, H.Y., Yoon, H.S., Shin, N. , Moon, J.Y., Kuon, J.H., Park, E.S., Nam, R., Kang, S.B., & Park, K.H. Perception of elder mistreatment and its link to help-seeking intention: A comparison of elderly Korean and Korean American immigrants, p. 287-304.

Lee, S., Diwan, S. & Yeo, G. Causal Attributions of Dementia among Korean American Immigrants. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 53 (8): 743. 2010.

Lee, S.E., & Casado, B. L. Attitudes toward community services use in dementia ca  re among Korean Americans. p. 271-86.

Liu, W., Wang, P-C, Gray, H., Tang, P. C. Y., Kwo, E. & Gallagher-Thompson, D. (2008).  Client satisfaction with a stress reduction program for Chinese dementia caregivers. Hallym International Journal of Aging, 10(2), 91-110.

McBride, M. Ethnogeriatrics: Development and application of the cohort analysis tool. Special Populations. SIG 14, Perspectives on Communication Disorders and Sciences in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Populations, August 2014, Vol. 21:37-52. doi:10.1044/cds21.2.37.

McBride, M and  Yeo, G. Clinical Gerontologist, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2011 Special Issue: Care Concerns for Elders in Korean and Korean AmericanCommunities.

McBride, M. & Yeo, G. Introduction: Care concerns for elders in Korean and Korean American communities. p. 267-70.

Mausbach, B.T., Coon, D.W., Cardenas, V., & Thompson, L.W.  (2003).
  Religious coping among Caucasian and Latina dementia caregivers.  Journal of Mental Health and Aging.  9, 97-110.

Mausbach, B., Coon, D. W., Depp, C., Rabinowitz, Y., Wilson-Arias, E., Kraemer, H.C., Thompson, L. W., Lane, G., & Gallagher-Thompson, D. (2004). Ethnicity and time to institutionalization: A comparison of Latino and Caucasian female family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 52(7), 1077-1084. (First study to empirically support the belief that Latino families were significantly less likely to institutionalize their demented elders)

Montoro-Rodriguez, J. & Gallagher-Thompson, D.  (2009). The role of resources and appraisals in predicting burden among Latina and non-Hispanic white female caregivers: A test of an expanded socio-cultural model of stress and coping. Aging and Mental Health, 13(5), 761-768.

*REACH II Investigators (alphabetical order: Belle, S.H., Burgio, L., Burns, R., Coon, D., Czaja, S., Gallagher-Thompson, D., Gitlin, L., Klinger, J., Koepke, K. M., Lee, C. C., Martindale-Adams, J., Nichols, L., Schulz, R., Stahl, S., Stevens, A., Winter, L. & Zhang, S.)  (2006). Enhancing the quality of life of dementia caregivers from different ethnic or racial groups: A randomized, controlled trial. Annals of Internal Medicine, 145, 727-738.

Valle, R., Matiella, A.C., Valverde, I., Gallagher-Thompson, D., Hinton, L., & Tzuang, Y.M. (2010). Together We Can! Facing memory loss as a family (“¡Unidos Podemos! Enfrentando la pérdida de memoria en familia”) Chicago, IL: Alzheimer’s Association National Office.

Wang, P.C., & Gallagher-Thompson, D. (2005). Resolution of intergenerational conflict in a Chinese female dementia caregiver: A case study using cognitive/behavioral methods. Clinical Gerontologist, 28 (3), 91-94.

Yeo, G. Women and Alzheimer’s in Ethnically Diverse Communities. In The Shriver Report. Chicago: Alzheimer’s Association, 2010, and in Alzheimer’s In America, The Shriver Report on Women and Alzheimer’s, 2011.

Yeo, G. Family Caregiving for Elders with Dementia in Three Asian American Populations. Hallym International Journal of Aging, 10:85-89. 200

Yeo, G., Tran, J.,  Hikoyeda, N., & Hinton, L.  (2001).  Conceptions of Dementia Among Vietnamese American Caregivers.  Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 36 (1/2), 131-152.

* Notes on the REACH Studies: REACH I was a series of studies at 6 sites across the US where each site evaluated in a randomized trial its preferred method of intervention compared to a control condition. At the Palo Alto, CA site the intervention was a 12- session small group program called COPING WITH CAREGIVING that included Latina caregivers. REACH II combined the key features of each of the successful interventions from REACH I: it used one intervention program across 5 sites, and enrolled the largest number of Latino and African American caregivers to be included in a randomized trial at that time.  REACH II is an in-home program, supplemented by telephone calls, that generally is reserved for caregivers with more complex needs who would not be adequately served in less intense, time-consuming programs.